PRAY 100- Rutherford County

What? Pray 100 is an initiative to mobilize 100 teams of believers to pray for God to move among the lost in Rutherford County. We believe prayer initiates a move of God by throwing open the doors of heaven on the earth. We are joining with our brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for a move of the Spirit that will transform this county and touch the world! To that end, we are asking teams to commit to praying for at least 1 hour per month for 6 months.

Who? We are looking for teams of at least 3 people who will commit at least one hour per month to pray specifically for the lost in Rutherford County. You don’t have to be part of any particular church or ministry. He hears the prayers of the obedient “whosoevers” to transform the world. God created and appointed man to have “dominion over the earth”, so He waits for us to call on Him to do His work on the earth. By prayer, we become co-workers with God.

Where/when? Anywhere, anytime. Make it work for you. You can schedule one special meeting per month, or take 15 minutes every week as part of something else you already have going on… in person, online… it’s up to you. Make it work for you.

How? 1. Connect– Please connect with the Pray 100 initiative by texting #pray100 to 615-802-7528. This will help us to connect you with other prayer warriors and to stay in touch regarding progress, additional resources, and any special events. You can also join the Pray 100-Rutherford Co. Facebook group.

2. Pray for the Lost. You can pray however you want, but our brothers and sisters of “BREAD” ministry have created a special prayer guide that will help teams to pray effectively for the lost, based on the parables of Jesus Christ and the various people groups that make up our county. You can download our prayer guide HERE. Be flexible to the Holy Spirit and communicate with one another about how you sense God working. Make it your own!